Speaker’s verbal diarrhoea

Foot-in-mouth disease
Now foot-and-mouth disease is a serious thing. It’s a fatal disease. Our Rupununi once had the problem. But there’s another similar sounding disease that affects politicians – “foot-in-mouth” disease. The AFC/APNU appointed Speaker Trotman seems to have a severe case of the latter disease: he just can’t seem to stop mouthing off.
Most recently, he called for the CJIA contract to be investigated by Parliament. Have you ever heard of such a thing? More importantly, has Westminster – on which our Parliament and the position of speaker is patterned – ever heard of such a thing in the hundreds of years it has been around? You can bet your bottom dollar, NO! The Speaker is supposed to be impartial in conducting business of the Parliament – not in suggesting what they should investigate or not or setting its agenda.
And as we implied with the foot-in-mouth charge, Trotman is prone to jumping in where angels fear to tread. Just the other week he suggested that the government had no business taking the opposition to the courts for starving the constitutionally created office of funds! As we commented then, Trotman seems to believe that the opposition controlled Assembly is paramount over the state. Next thing, we’ll hear him calling for the Palm Tree and Key Flags (is it one flag now?) to be flown on top of Public Buildings!
OK, Anil, take a break from bending your elbows and deal with this severe infection of foot-in-mouth disease. Remember that if allowed to get away with it, the disease will spread – then the whole herd of sheep in the opposition might have to be treated. We need a viable opposition – so that we can retain our democratic credentials.
But back to Speaker Trotman: read this s-l-o-w-l-y. It’s for your own good – and survival. Not because you were appointed “Speaker” by your buddies in the opposition means you have to speak all the time. “Silence is golden,” remember? As Speaker you can’t take sides. We know you’re still leader of the AFC, but yet!
And while we’re on that (not unrelated) topic, weren’t you supposed to step aside by now? We know you can’t trust Ramjattan. But hey! We have to have some standards. No?

End of silence
While Trotman’s been unremittingly loquacious, former President Jagdeo has been positively taciturn. But maybe that’s coming to an end. In a recent interview, Jagdeo noted all the knocks he’s been receiving and promised he’s going to change all of that soon. Now we know one man who’s probably having nightmares and quaking in his boots (after messing in them!) The Eyewitness is looking forward to the fireworks.
While we’re on the topic of Jagdeo, we can’t help pointing out that the Stabber ran an article that Jamaica, Barbados, The Bahamas and other Caribbean worthies are all drowning in debt. Remember when they scoffed at Jagdeo’s offer of advice? He who laughs last…

Private den of thieves
From news received it seems that corruption may not just be a phenomenon in the public sector. Evidently there’s one high-flying private CEO who’s on the firing line.

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